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A short film on what IIPians think about photography; their passion and IIP ~ their school of photography. A collage of thoughts… Become A Brand with IIP where The World is Yours… #passion #practice #purpose #perspective #perception #perseverance #performance #preparation #personality #presentation #iipacademy #brands #photography #indianinstituteofphotography #lifeatiip #brandstrategy
Sangay Euden: A Cross-Border Artistic Odyssey - From Bhutan to Fine Arts Photography. Sangay Euden embarks on her academic pursuit with the Indian Institute of Photography (IIP). A student of the Bachelors in Fine Arts program, specializing in photography, Sangay's story is a testament to the power of passion, perseverance, and the boundless possibilities of the artistic world. #bhutan #bhutantravel #bhutandiaries #bhutantourism #bhutanese #bhutanese #bhutanphotography #iipacademy #indianinstituteofphotography #iipians #bachelorsdegree #lifeatiip